
Showing posts from October, 2018


Yes today I am gonna say all about the pubg mobile sniper rifles Their are many sniper rifles available in the pubg mobile some of them are available in the drop and some are rare and aslo found in the cities some of the  some of the info about the best sniper rifles are: 1) AWM ( THE BEAST)  AWM the best sniper rifle in the game using 300magnum ammo type which only has 20 bullets and can only obtained from Air drop crates. AWM has a capability of destroying any helmet tier with 1 shots to the head. The bullet travel is insanely fast. AWM is the most damage sniper rifle in the game. AWM Attachments Guide: Sniper Rifle suppressor Sniper Rifle ext qd   Cheek Pad 4x sight 8x sight 2) KAR98 Rifle Summary: Kar98k is the most common Sniper Rifle that can be find in any place in world spawn. Kar98k use 7.72mm ammo type with the capability of 1 shot 1 kill to tier 1 and tier 2 helmet. Kar98k is the secondary weapons that you must pick up if you see o...


Yes Guys I have created my new youtube channel and instagram page Youtube channel :  SAG GAMING !!! Yes Youtube channel is created for the best videos of the pubg gaming and skills kills please support our youtube channel and will takr this youtube  channel on the high and make more n more videos for You guysz❤️✌️👇 Help us to grow Our channel guys we need Your support to continue with our youtube channel and blogging You can also share yours kills to us on the instagram page given below👇 2) Instagram page:  @saggaming !! Follow! Follow ! Follow !!! The best instagram page for pubg players please follow guys also like comment and share our post the best page on insta for pubg gamings and skills  Guys please support us follow us give some views likes comments and also share guys You can also share ur video with us on this page by which we can include your video in our page by tagging you  This is our info about youtube and instagram ❤️😍...