Yes all are waiting for the new update of the sanhok map! All are asking question question and question!! When will the Sanhok Map come in PUBG mobile? Sanhok map is going to be available in the mobile platform by second half of September or at October ” Update!!! Update!!! Update!!! Sanhok, the newest addition to the most exhilarating battle royale!!! Well we expect the map to be added in the mobile version too very soon. Sanhok, a 4x4 map which comes with 1.5x times greater the spawnings and along with it you get into the most craziest tunnels and exciting forest touch!!! Sanhok map was going to be released globally on the pre informed period but due to some reasons PUBG had to make an important update thereby causing delay to the new map. The Sanhok map now is talked to hit the Android gameplay by September.the next version will be 0.8 0.8.0 Patch Notes are The new rainforest map “Sanhok” 6x Scope and 8x Scope zoom performance optimi...