Yes today i am gonna discuss all about the Shotguns of pubg mobile😊
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S686, also know as. The double barrel shotgun, the over and under configuration type
It is a gun meant for only close range, it is a shotgun after all
The capacity is Limited, only 2. However the reload time and fire rate is one of the fastest
If all pellets hits your target, they are guaranteed to die in 1 shot, however that is easier said than done, because all the pellets might not hit
This one came with 2, exclusive shotgun attachment
Is it the choke, which decrease spread. And the bullet loop which increase reload time
It used 12 gauge ammo, obviously. If it uses something else, it would be a 2 shots sniper or somethings
To use this effectively, use it up close and also, Unload all your shots into your enemy when you see them in your effective range and retreat to the nearest cover if they don't die. If the barrel touches their skins, one good blow and their hope of eating those delicious chicken is gone
2) S12K
Rifle Summary:
S12K is an auto shotgun that can fire shot by shot without reload. S12K using 12 gauge ammo types. This rifle is really good in close range or when you holding enemy pushing you.
S12K Attachments Guide:
With these attachments S12K will become more powerful in very close range because it help to reduce the rifle kick, pump while shooting. Don't try to put 4x or 8x on this gun because you don't want to feel headache.
S12K only shotgun with scope✌️
3) S1897
S1897 is a pump shotgun that use 12 gauge ammo types and reload after 1 shots. S1897 can be random sometimes because the bullet pallet spread is bigger then any other shotgun. With the help of choke can make S1897 more predictable.
S1897 Attachments guide:
With these attachments s1897 will reload faster and reduce the pallet spray.
Shotgun Choke | Shotgun Bullet Loop |
Thankyou guys for visiting more post will be updated soon✌️😊❤️
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